Cruising with Children
Families that play together stay together. So make your reservation now for a family holiday where your children can polish their French, study anthropology, explore the stars, and recover from their exams and term papers. Nicholson Yacht Charters are a great way for families to exchange ideas, share adventures and bond together, all while being served by a caring and attentive crew.

Charter guests from Denver, Colorado with BVI wild life! The Tree Boa was found on the path at the Baths; the Hawk was found on Peter Island, and the fish were found, while snorkeling the Caves at Norman Island. Photo Courtesy of the 45′ catamaran Cool Runnings.

Bambi and Geoff on catamaran COOL RUNNINGS provided us with this collage of their most recent guests, who said:
“What an extraordinary holiday! Gorgeous weather, scenery, sailing, company and of course food! Everything surpassed our expectations. Thank you for all the little touches like good books, choc’s in the cabins, it all went towards making the trip memorable for our family. We are officially “hooked” to continue exploring sailing vacations.”

From guests aboard catamaran NUTMEG with Paul & Ginette this week: “On a scale of 1 to 10, it’s a 100 – according to one of my three children. I could not agree more. Will obviously fill you in more when I return. Suffice it to say, two thumbs up so far.”

New guests’ comments for Geoff and Bambi on catamaran COOL RUNNINGS, but the best is from 6 year old Hazel:
Dear BaMbI and GeoFf, thank You for lettiNg us stay wiTh you. my faVrot pAart was Going to the BeChes. thank yoU SO Mach ! Hazel K (6 years old)

Young Julia took over the driving responsibilities over the Christmas Charter – 47′ Catamaran Caribbean Dream

St Patricks Day creation, ‘Green Eggs and Ham Benedict’ — photo courtesy of Dawn Mottram, S/Y Braveheart at Great Camanoe, British Virgin Islands

Hayden hooked the big one over New Years. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a towel – Photo courtesy of the Catamaran Caribbean Dream

Group photo on the final certification dive. Congratulations to our 4 newest certified divers – S/Y Caribbean Dream BVI

Austin gets himself in the spirit for Margarita night with some crazy sunglasses – at Cooper Island, BVI aboard the 57′ Catamaran S/Y Braveheart

Kids hanging on the line in Little Harbour, Peter Island, BVI. The water is 81 degrees and cleaner and clearer than any pool! Stunning! Photo courtesy of the 62′ Catamaran Catsy

Chef Carly aboard the 76′ catamaran AKASHA sent us this “egg-free” chocolate cake, which she prepared for recent charterers where the birthday celebrant had a severe egg allergy!

A family snorkeling the crystal clear waters of the Virgin Islands, where there is abundant marine life, shipwrecks, “buried treasure”, and many sea turtles, which are making a strong comeback from near extinction.

Watch Space Station Passes travel overhead at night. Using the yacht’s charts, plug your longitude and latitude coordinates into the International Space Station Observation website, and it will tell you when and where the space station will pass over your location. “At 7:15 pm tonight, the space station will pass from NW to SE.” Now go out and see it. It took a 6 minute pass over the Virgin Islands two nights ago. Children love it! Idea courtesy of the 48′ S/Y Storm Petrel.

A really fun watersport is free-diving. You put on mask, snorkel and fins, and while one person drives the dinghy, the other person snorkels and swims along the surface of the water until he finds a conch, at which time he dives down 15 feet, holding his breath, and picks it up and puts it into the dinghy. Anybody watching Survivor tonight? Photo courtesy of the 48′ S/Y Storm Petrel

The stylish and comfortable 157′ S/Y TIARA is full of entertainment for children and adults alike. Here the sun deck is set up with a Bedouin tent for watching outdoor movies.

What film does this remind you of? Most yachts carry televisions and playstations and offer movies to guests.

Most yachts enjoy throwing beach parties, complete with umbrellas, volleyball, a roast smoldering in coals in the sand, and all the bells and whistles. Many yachts also carry footballs, sand buckets, frisbee, and games to play on the beach.

Have you ever tried Geocaching while on vacation? Geocaching is a treasure hunting game where you use a GPS to hide and seek containers with other participants in the activity. Guests aboard the 72′ ketch THREE MOONS were totally into it, and so are the crew!